We know from experience just how demanding running your business can be
As a Director and Founder of Business Vines, I worked as part of my father's small business for several years, so I know that running your business is not a job, it's your life; 24/7. It wasn't until I left for exposure to the corporate world, that I could really help him with higher value expertise. When running your business, it can be difficult to see the woods for the trees, but that's why I've created Business Vines
We relentlessly strive to act as the pillar for your business to flourish against. We do this with a wide range of Strategies, which will see you with rapid, sustainable growth. Firstly, we will measure and then improve on your current business activities. Secondly, we improve the effectiveness and reach of your marketing. Finally we identify any overlooked opportunities, e.g. joint ventures, additional revenue streams, etc. The nett affect? There's only one way to find out...
P.S: Hopefully we've established - we're not a landscaping company; please stop asking us to fix your lawn! So why are we called Business Vines? Well, we respect the strategy of vines- unlike other plant life, they don't expend all their energy working solo, producing slow linear growth. Vines grow rapidly by leveraging themselves with other plants and structures to find the light. By itself, a vine can grow to the height of a small shrub, but next to an oak tree, it competes with the biggest plant life for the upper canopy light. Why not do the same for your business?

Business Vines Ltd
Company Reg: 14828214
Registered Office: 124 City Road, London, United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX